
Developer Guide for Budget Buddy

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Setting up
  2.1 Prerequisites
3. Design
  3.1 Architecture
  3.2 Parser Class
  3.3 Ui Class
  3.4 CommandCreator
  3.5 CommandClass
  3.6 Storage Class
  3.7 Commons
    3.7.1 Transaction
    3.7.2 Expense
    3.7.3 ExpenseList
    3.7.4 Saving
    3.7.5 SavingList
    3.7.6 RecurringExpenseList
    3.7.7 RecurringExpensesList
    3.7.8 DefaultCurrency
    3.7.9 CurrencyConverter
4. Implementation
  4.1 Menu Feature
  4.2 Add Expenses Feature
  4.3 Add Savings Feature
  4.4 Add Split Expenses Feature
  4.5 Edit Savings Feature
  4.6 Edit Expenses Feature
  4.7 Reduce Savings Feature
  4.8 Delete Expenses Feature
  4.9 List Savings Feature
  4.10 List Expenses Feature
  4.11 Check Splitted Expenses Feature
  4.12 Settle Splitted Expenses Feature
  4.13 Find Expenses Feature
  4.14 Recurring Expenses Feature
  4.15 Currency Converter Feature
  4.16 Setting Budget Feature
  4.17 Get Graphical Insights for expenses
  4.18 Get Graphical Insights for savings
5. Documentation
6. Testing
Appendix A: Product Scope
Appendix B: User Stories
Appendix C: Use Cases
Appendix D: Non-Functional Requirements
Appendix E: Glossary
Appendix F: Instructions for Manual Testing


Diagrams have been created on

Design & implementation

1. Introduction

Welcome to the Developer Guide for BudgetBuddy! This guide has been created to help you current and future developers of BudgetBuddy understand how BudgetBuddy works and aid you in easily adding new features and fixing bugs. In this guide, it will go over the main parts of the app, how they work together, and why we made them that way.

2. Setup Guide

This section describes how to set up the coding environment, along with the tools needed to work on BudgetBuddy

2.1. Prerequisites

  1. JDK 11
  2. IntelliJ IDEA


3.1 Architecture

The following diagram provides a rough overview of how BudgetBuddy is built

Diagram of overview of BudgetBuddy

BudgetBuddy is the main class of the application and directly interacts with the user. BudgetBuddy passes along the input into the Parser. The Parser creates a CommandCreator object depending on the user’s input . The CommandCreator object then creates the Command object. This Command object will be executed in BudgetBuddy. The Command object utilizes methods and the classes present in Commons, which will be explained in more detail in the following sections.

3.2 Parser Class

The main functionality of the Parser Class is to determine the type of CommandCreator object to create. Using Boolean Functions, the Parser Class determines this by what the user input starts with. After determining the type of CommandCreator object, the Parser initializes the CommandCreator object with all its required parameters.

Here are some examples :

Boolean Method Checks if input starts with Feature Requires Creates
isAddExpenseCommand() add expense input, ExpenseList AddExpenseCommandCreator(input, expenses)
isEditSavingCommand() edit expense input, SavingList EditSavingsCommandCreator(input, savings)

3.3 Ui Class

The Ui Class is used to print certain elements to the CLI. In particular, it consists of the Welcome Message, Goodbye Message, Divider Lines and all the corresponding commands’ command format.

3.4 CommandCreator Class

The CommandCreator class has multiple subclasses, which corresponds to a specific function of the application. Within the CommandCreator classes, it handles making sense of the user input, obtaining the relevant parameters, and finally creating the Command class to be executed.

The superclass CommandCreator is an abstract class which is never instantiated. Where its createCommand() method is overridden by its subclasses.

The association between the Command and CommandCreator can be seen in their names. E.g. MenuCommandCreator, would create a MenuCommand class when its createCommand() method is called. Similarly, FindExpensesCommandCreator would create a FindCommand class when its createCommand() method is called.

For clarity, unlike the BudgetBuddy and Parser class, where only one instance of them is used for the entire application, a new CommandCreator subclass is instantiated every time a user provides an input. Hence, a created CommandCreator will always be specific to, and only handle one user input. This will be further illustrated in the UML Sequence Diagram provided in section 3.4 Command Class

3.5 Command Class

The Command class, similar to the CommandCreator class, contains multiple subclasses, all corresponding to a specific function/feature of the application. Stated in section3.4 CommandCreator Class , each subclass of the Command Object is created by its associated CommandCreator subclass.

The superclass Command is an abstract class which is never instantiated. Where its execute() method is overridden by its subclasses. What each Command subclass does when its execute() method is called would be discussed in more detail in the Implementation section.

For clarity, similar to the CommandCreator class, a new Command subclass is instantiated every time a user provides an input. As such, a created Command will always be specific to, and only handle one user input.

The following UML Sequence Diagram depicts the process of what happens when a user input is passed through the application, up till the point when the command gets executed :

Note : BudgetBuddy instantiates other classes such as the Storage and Ui class, however, these steps have been left out as they have no relevance to the process of creating and executing a Command.

UML Sequence Diagram of Command

3.6 Storage Class

The Storage Class handles the loading and saving of the features in BudgetBuddy. Different features are saved in different files corresponding to their data type.

The Storing methods are always called after every user input, ensuring that the saved files are always up-to-date.

Similarly, the Loading methods present in the Storage Class is always called before the application is fully initialized.

3.7 Commons

The classes present in this group of Commons refers to a collection of classes used by multiple other components . They represent data of the user’s financial transactions, including expenses and savings, along with methods for organizing and managing this data.

3.7.1 Transaction

This is an abstract class, which is the superclass for both the Expense and Saving Classes. It contains common variables such as Currency, Category and Amount.

3.7.2 Expense

This class holds details regarding an expense a user has. Within this class, it has 4 class-level variables : String category, LocalDate dateAdded , String description and Double amount.

String category : This variable holds the category of the expense. It represents the type or classification of the expense as per the pre-defined categories (“Housing”, “Groceries”, “Utility”, “Transport”, “Entertainment”).

LocalDate dateAdded : This variable holds the date when the expense was added or recorded. It is of type LocalDate, representing a date without a time zone. Storing the date of the expense allows users to track when each expense occurred, facilitating budget management and analysis over time.

String description : This variable holds a description of the expense. It provides additional details or information about the expense, such as what the expense was for or any relevant notes. Descriptions help users understand the context or purpose of each expense entry.

Double amount : This variable holds the monetary amount of the expense. It represents the cost or value of the expense, typically in the currency used by the user. Storing the amount allows users to track how much money was spent on each expense, aiding in budgeting and financial planning.

3.7.3 ExpenseList

This class represents a list of expenses. Within this class, it has 2 class-level variables : ArrayList<Expense> expenses and ArrayList<String> categories, The variables and there relevance are as follows :

ArrayList<Expense> expenses : This variable holds a list of Expense objects. Each Expense object represents an expense incurred by the user. The list stores all the expenses entered by the user. Managing expenses in a list allows for easy retrieval, modification, and deletion of individual expenses. Additionally, it enables functionalities such as filtering, listing, and calculating total expenses.

ArrayList<String> categories : This variable holds a list of predefined expense categories. Each category represents a classification or grouping for expenses, such as “Housing,” “Groceries,” “Utility,” etc. The list provides predefined options for users to select when adding or editing expenses. It helps organize expenses into meaningful groups, allowing users to track and analyze their spending habits across different expense categories.

This class also contains the methods to handle any user interactions with the list of expenses. These methods would be further explained in their corresponding Implementation sections.

3.7.4 Saving

This class holds details regarding a saving a user has. Within this class, it has 3 class-level variables : String category, LocalDate dateAdded, Double amount. The variables and their relevance are as follows :

String Category : This variable holds the category of the saving. Similar to expenses, savings can also be categorized based on their purpose or intended use. Pre-defined categories include (“Salary”, “Investments”, “Gifts”, or “Others”). Categorizing savings helps users allocate funds for different financial goals and track progress towards those goals.

LocalDate dateAdded : This variable holds the date when the saving was added or recorded. As with expenses, tracking the date of each saving allows users to monitor their saving habits over time. It provides a historical record of when savings were initiated, helping users understand their saving patterns and behaviors.

Double amount : This variable holds the monetary amount of the saving. It represents the value or sum of money saved by the user. The amount indicates how much money has been set aside or accumulated towards achieving a particular financial goal. Users can track their progress towards savings targets and monitor their overall financial health based on the amount saved.

3.7.5 SavingList

This class represents a list of savings. Within this class, it has 2 class-level variables : ArrayList<Saving> savings and ArrayList<String> categories, The variables and there relevance are as follows :

ArrayList<Saving> savings: This variable holds a list of Saving objects, where each object represents a saving made by the user. The list stores all the savings entered by the user. Managing savings in a list allows for easy retrieval, modification, and reduction of individual savings. Additionally, it enables functionalities such as listing savings, calculating remaining savings after deducting expenses, and adding new savings.

ArrayList<String> categories: This variable holds a list of predefined saving categories. Each category represents a classification or grouping for savings, such as “Salary,” “Investments,” “Gifts,” etc. The list provides predefined options for users to select when adding or editing savings. It helps organize savings into meaningful groups, allowing users to track and manage their savings across different categories.

This class also contains the methods to handle any user interactions with the list of savings. These methods would be further explained in their corresponding Implementation sections.

3.7.6 RecurringExpenseList

This class represents a list of recurring expenses for the Recurring Expense feature. Within this class, it has 1 class-level variable : String name. Which is used to store the name of the list. Given that its overall functionality is similar to ExpenseList class, it inherits the ExpenseList class.

3.7.7 RecurringExpenseLists

This class represents the list of all lists of recurring expenses for the Recurring Expense feature. Within this class, it has only 1 class-level variable : ArrayList<ExpenseList> recurringExpenses. Which is used to store a list of ExpenseList objects. This class contains all methods required for the overall Recurring Expense feature to work. The implementation of these methods would be discussed in further detail in the Implementation section.

For clarity, the following Class Diagram depicts the associations between RecurringExpenseLists, RecurringExpenseList and ExpenseList.

Class Diagram

3.7.8 DefaultCurrency

The DefaultCurrency class manages the application’s default currency setting. It contains a static variable:

This class provides two static methods that are further explained in detail in the Implementation section.
This class ensures a consistent default currency is used throughout the application, essential for functions like displaying amounts and performing currency conversions.

3.7.9 CurrencyConverter

The CurrencyConverter class provides functionality for converting amounts between different currencies. It includes two class-level variables:

Map<Currency, Double> exchangeRates: This variable represents a map where the keys are instances of the Currency class, and the values are conversion rates as Double values. The map stores exchange rates for various currencies relative to a base currency (in this case, Singapore Dollar, SGD). The exchange rates are initialized with default values for common currencies such as USD, EUR, JPY, KRW, MYR, CNY, and HKD.

The class includes several methods to handle currency conversion tasks, with its relevance explained in the Implementation section.

These methods facilitate currency conversion tasks by handling the conversion logic, validating input parameters, and logging relevant messages. They provide essential functionality for managing expenses and savings in different currencies within the budget management application.

4. Implementation

4.1 Menu Feature

The menu feature is designed to allow users to view the relevant command formats by inputting the relevant menu indexes. This feature is orchestrated by the MenuCommand class, which is initialized by the MenuCommandCreator class. Which is in turn, created by the Parser class. Within the MenuCommand object, the MenuCommandCreator would initialize one class-level variable index of type String. The relevance of this class-level variable in MenuCommand is as follows

Variable Name Variable Type Relevance
index int Refers to the corresponding item in the displayed menu

For Clarity, the menu items and their corresponding indexes are as follows :

index Menu Item
Empty/0 Displays all Menu Items
1 Manage Expenses
2 Manage Savings
3 View Expenses
4 View Savings
5 Find Expenses
6 Split Expenses
7 Manage Recurring Bills
8 Change Currency
9 Manage Budget
10 Get Graphical Insights

Upon the call of the execute() method in BudgetBuddy using command.execute(), the MenuCommand object utilizes methods from the UI class to display the relevant menu items. The utilized methods are as follows :

methodName Return Type Relevance
showMenuTitles() void Prints all Menu Items
showMenuItem(INDEX) void Prints commands associated at INDEX

Important Note : As the process of how the CommandCreator is created upon the receipt of a user input has already been discussed in 3.4 CommandClass, the following Sequence Diagrams would omit the initial methods prior to the MenuCommandCreator being created.

The following UML Sequence Diagram shows how the MenuCommandCreator for Menu Commands work and what will be returned to the Parser, which will ultimately be returned to BudgetBuddy. Note that this diagram assumes that Parser has already detected that the user input is a menu command and has initialized a MenuCommandCreator object:

Sequence Diagram for MenuCommandCreator for Menu Command

The following UML Sequence Diagram shows the processes of the MenuCommand upon the call of its execute() command:

Sequence Diagram for Menu Command

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the full Menu feature works :

  1. The user types menu 1. This input passed from BudgetBuddy into Parser#parseCommands().
  2. Within the Parser , it determines that the input is a menu command from isMenuCommand(), and creates a new MenuCommandCreator object.
  3. The Parser then calls MenuCommandCreator#createCommand()
  4. The checks for whether the input is valid, in particular whether it is a valid integer, along with obtaining the value of index is done in MenuCommandCreator#handleMenuCommand()
  5. MenuCommandCreator creates a constructor for MenuCommand with the parameter 1, which in turn also constructs a new Ui object
  6. MenuCommandCreator returns this created MenuCommand to Parser, which is then returned to BudgetBuddy
  7. BudgetBuddy then calls MenuCommand#execute()
  8. execute() then calls Ui#showMenuItem(1)
  9. showMenuItem() in Ui then prints all commands for case 1 which is for Manage Expenses

4.2 Add Expense Feature

The Add Expense Feature allows users to add expenses to different categories. AddExpenseCommand class enables this feature, after initialized by the Parser class. Within the AddExpense object, the Parser would have initialized it with 4 variables, an ExpenseList object, along with a category, amount , description. The relevance of these Class Attributes in AddExpenseCommand is as follows :

Class Attribute Variable Type Relevance
expenses ExpenseList ExpenseList Object containing the list of expenses
category String The category that the expense belongs to
amount String The amount spent
description String The description of the expense

Upon the call of the execute() method in BudgetBuddy using command.execute(), the AddExpenseCommand Object utilizes the following method from the ExpenseList class to add it to the existing list of expenses matching against the corresponding category.

Method Return Type Relevance
addExpense() void Add expense to the existing list of expenses

The following UML Sequence diagram shows how the Parser works to obtain the relevant inputs for the Add Expense Feature : Sequence Diagram for Parser for Add Expense Feature

The following is a step-by-step explanation for the Parser for the Find Feature :

  1. BudgetBuddy calls Parser#parseCommand(input) with input being the entire user input. E.g add expense c/Transport a/20 d/EZ-Link Top Up
  2. Within the Parser, it will have determined that the input is a Find Command from the isAddExpenseCommand(input) function.
  3. The Parser then self calls the method handleAddExpenseCommand(input) with the input still being the entire user input.
  4. Within AddExpenseCommand(input), the first check would be the check for the existence of any combination of c/ , a/ and d/. If none of these combinations were found, it immediately returns null.
  5. If the checks in 4. is passed, Three variables would be initialized.

    • Variable Name Variable Type
      category String
      amount String
      description String
  6. Depending on which parameters were present, the corresponding input would be extracted and placed into each variable using the Parser#extractDetailsForAdd(input, "parameter")
  7. Finally, Parser#handleAddExpenseCommand() returns a AddExpensesCommand to Parser#parseCommand(), which is then returned to BudgetBuddy

4.3 Add Savings Feature

The Add Savings Feature allows users to add savings to different categories. AddSavingCommandCreator class intialises the AddSavingCommand, after initialised by the Parser class. Within the AddSavings object, the Parser would have initialized it with 4 variables, a SavingList object, along with a category, amount. The relevance of these Class Attributes in AddExpenseCommand is as follows :

Class Attribute Variable Type Relevance
savings SavingList SavingList Object containing the list of savings
category String The category that the expense belongs to
amount String The amount spent

Upon the call of the execute() method in BudgetBuddy using command.execute(), the AddSavingCommand Object utilizes the following method from the SavingList class to add it to the existing list of savings matching against the corresponding category.

Method Return Type Relevance
addSaving() void Add savings to the existing list of savings

The following UML Sequence diagram shows how the Parser works to obtain the relevant inputs for the Add Expense Feature : Sequence Diagram for Parser for Add Expense Feature

The following is a step-by-step explanation for the Parser for the Find Feature :

  1. BudgetBuddy calls Parser#parseCommand(input) with input being the entire user input. E.g add savings c/Allowance a/20
  2. Within the Parser, it will have determined that the input is a Find Command from the isAddSavingsCommand(input) function.
  3. The Parser then self calls the method handleAddExpenseCommand(input) with the input still being the entire user input.
  4. Within AddExpenseCommand(input), the first check would be the check for the existence of any combination of c/ , and a/. If none of these combinations were found, it immediately returns null.
  5. If the checks in 4. is passed, two variables would be initialized.

    • Variable Name Variable Type
      category String
      amount String
  6. Depending on which parameters were present, the corresponding input would be extracted and placed into each variable using the Parser#extractDetailsForAdd(input, "parameter")
  7. Finally, Parser#handleAddExpenseCommand() intialises a AddExpensesCommandCreator which then returns AddSavingCommand to Parser#parseCommand(), which is then returned to BudgetBuddy.

4.4 Add Shared Bill feature

The Add Shared Bill Feature allows users to enter expenses that are shared among multiple parties, facilitating easy splitting and tracking of such expenses. The feature is managed by the SplitExpenseCommand class, which is initialized by the SplitExpenseCommandCreator as a result of the Parser class interpretation.

Class Attributes for SplitExpenseCommand:

Class Attribute Variable Type Relevance
splitExpenseList SplitExpenseList SplitExpenseList O bject where the shared bill will be added
amount double The total amount of the shared bill
numerOfPeople int The number of people that are meant for splitting the bill
description String Description of the shared bill

Upon the call of the execute() method via command.execute(), SplitExpenseCommand performs the following key actions:

  1. It adds the shared bill as an expense to the ExpenseList.
  2. Calculates each participant’s share based on the total amount divided by the number of participants.

Key Methods used from SplitExpenseList

Method Return Type Relevance
addSplitExpense() void Adds the splitexpense to the list of splitexpenses

The SplitExpenseCommand also provides an output summarizing the shared expense, each participant’s share.

Sequence Diagram for Adding a Shared Bill The sequence diagram illustrates the flow from when a user inputs a command to add a shared bill to its execution: Sequence Diagram for Parser for addSplitExpense Feature

User Input: The user inputs a command in the format add shared bill a/<Amount> n/<NumberOfPeople> d/<Description>

Parsing: The Parser class identifies the input as a shared bill command and extracts the necessary parameters (amount, number of people, description). Command Initialization: The Parser initializes a SplitExpenseCommand with the extracted parameters. Execution: The SplitExpenseCommand is executed, which calls addSplitExpense() on the SplitExpenseList to add the shared bill. Calculation: The command calculates each participant’s share of the bill and records it.

4.5 Edit Savings Feature

The Edit Savings feature allows users to update their previously saved financial contributions, specifically adjusting the category and amount. This feature is facilitated by the EditSavingCommand class, which is prepared and issued by the Parser class. An EditSavingCommand object encapsulates several variables that are instantiated within the Parser: a SavingList object, category, and amount. The significance of these Class Attributes within EditSavingCommand is detailed below:

Class Attribute Variable Type Relevance
savings SavingList SavingList Object containing the list of savings that can be modified
category String The updated category for the saving entry at the specified index
amount Double The updated monetary value for the saving entry at the specified index

Upon invoking the execute() method in BudgetBuddy through command.execute(), the EditSavingCommand object leverages the following method from the SavingList class to carry out the modification:

Method Return Type Relevance
editSaving() void Adjusts the amount for the saving entry at the provided category

The following UML Sequence diagram illustrates the execution process of the Edit Savings Feature Command when a user enters a valid edit savings command:


Here is a step-by-step narrative of the actions taken for a sample input: edit savings c/Salary a/3000

  1. BudgetBuddy receives the command edit savings c/Salary a/3000 and passes it to the Parser for interpretation.
  2. The Parser splits the command into components and constructs an EditSavingCommand object with the category (c/Salary) and amount (a/3000).
  3. The Parser returns the constructed EditSavingCommand object to BudgetBuddy.
  4. BudgetBuddy then executes the execute() method on the EditSavingCommand object.
  5. Inside its execute() method, EditSavingCommand calls the editSaving method of SavingList, supplying the relevant parameters.
  6. SavingList updates the entry’s amount to 3000 for the category Salary.
  7. Finally, the console outputs a confirmation message: “Saving updated successfully.”

4.6 Edit Expense Feature

The Edit Expense feature allows users to edit their previously added expenses, specifically the category, amount, and description. This feature is managed by the EditExpenseCommand class, which is initialized by the Parser class. Within the EditExpenseCommand object, 5 variables would have been initialized in the Parser class: an ExpenseList object, category, index, amount and description. The relevance of these Class Attributes in EditExpenseCommand is as follows:

Class Attribute Variable Type Relevance
expenses ExpenseList ExpenseList Object containing the list of expenses that can be edited
category String The edited category for the expense in the specified index
index Integer The index of the expense to be edited from ExpenseList
amount Double The edited amount the expense in the specified index should be
description String The edited description for the expense in the specified index

When the execute() method in BudgetBuddy is called via command.execute(), the EditExpenseCommand Object, utilizes the following method from the ExpenseList class to edit the expense.

Method Return Type Relevance
editExpense() void Edits the category, amount and description for the expense in the specified index

The following UML Sequence diagram below shows how the Edit Expense Feature Command is executed when a user inputs a valid edit expense command:


The following is a step by step explanation of the processes that occur for an example input: edit expense c/Transport i/2 a/40 d/GRAB

  1. The BudgetBuddy application receives the input string edit expense c/Transport i/2 a/40 d/GRAB and uses the Parser to interpret it.
  2. The Parser splits the input into parts and constructs a EditExpenseCommand Object with the category (c/Transport), index (i/2), amount (a/40), and description (d/GRAB).
  3. Parser returns this called EditExpenseCommand Object to BudgetBuddy.
  4. The BudgetBuddy application calls execute() on the EditExpenseCommand object.
  5. The EditExpenseCommand object calls editExpense on the ExpenseList with the provided parameters.
  6. The ExpenseList looks up the second expense in its list (as lists are zero-indexed, it uses index - 1 to access the correct item), and updates this expense’s category to “Transport,” amount to 40.0, and description to “GRAB.”
  7. A message “Expense edited successfully.” is printed to the console.

4.7 Reduce Savings Feature

The Reduce Savings feature enables users to decrement a specified amount from their savings at a given index. This functionality is controlled by the ReduceSavingCommand class, which is produced by the ReduceSavingCommandCreator based on user input. The ReduceSavingCommand class uses a SavingList object to access the relevant saving and performs the reduction operation using the provided index and amount. Below is the relevance of these attributes:

Class Attribute Variable Type Relevance
savings SavingList The SavingList object containing the list of savings which can be reduced
category String TThe category of savings to reduce
amount double The amount by which the savings in the specified category should be reduced

When BudgetBuddy runs the execute() method through command.execute(), the ReduceSavingCommand leverages the reduceSavingsByCategory method from the SavingList class:

Method Return Type Relevance
reduceSavingsByCategory() void Decreases the savings by a specified amount in a given category

The user interaction for reducing savings follows these steps:

  1. The user commands to reduce savings by inputting reduce savings c/[category] a/[amount].
  2. BudgetBuddy processes this input with the help of a Parser, which identifies the suitable CommandCreator.
  3. Parser constructs a ReduceSavingCommand object with the extracted category and amount.
  4. BudgetBuddy then executes the ReduceSavingCommand.
  5. The execute() method within ReduceSavingCommand calls the SavingList’s reduceSavingsByCategory function.
  6. The reduceSavingsByCategory method performs the deduction and updates the savings amount.

The following UML Sequence diagram below shows how the Reduce savings Feature Command is executed when a user inputs a valid reduce savings command: sequenceDiagram_ReduceSavings.png

4.8 Delete Expenses Feature

The Delete Expense feature grants users the capability to remove expenses they have previously entered. Managed by the DeleteExpenseCommand class, this feature is initialized through DeleteExpenseCommandCreator. During the creation process, the command is provided with an ExpenseList object and an index indicating the specific expense to be deleted. The following table outlines the significance of these attributes:

Class Attribute Variable Type Relevance
expenses ExpenseList ExpenseList Object containing the list of expenses that can be edited
index Integer The edited category for the expense in the specified index

On invocation of the execute() method, as part of the command.execute() flow within BudgetBuddy, the DeleteExpenseCommand object engages the deleteExpense() method from the ExpenseList class.

Method Return Type Relevance
deleteExpense() void Removes the expense at the specified index from the list

The user interaction for deleting expenses follows these steps:

  1. The user submits a delete command in the format delete expense i/index, with index specifying the expense to be deleted.
  2. BudgetBuddy receives the command and employs the Parser to deconstruct it.
  3. The Parser discerns the delete command, extracting the index value and forming a DeleteExpenseCommand object.
  4. BudgetBuddy triggers the DeleteExpenseCommand.execute() method.
  5. Inside execute(), the deleteExpense() method is called on ExpenseList, with index indicating the targeted expense.
  6. If the index is valid, the expense is removed, and a confirmation message is printed to the console.

4.9 Listing Feature (List Savings)

The Listing Savings Feature enables users to view their savings, potentially filtered by a specific category. This functionality is orchestrated by the ListSavingsCommand class, which is initialized by the ListCommandCreator class. Within the ListSavingsCommand object, the ListCommandCreator provides it with a SavingList object, an ExpenseList object, along with an optional filterCategory. The relevance of these class attributes in ListSavingsCommand is detailed in the following table:

Class Attribute Variable Type Relevance
savings SavingList The SavingList object containing the list of savings to be displayed or filtered
expenses ExpenseList The ExpenseList object containing the list of expenses
filterCategory String The category to filter the savings by, if provided

When BudgetBuddy invokes the execute() method via command.execute(), the ListSavingsCommand object uses several methods from the SavingList class to perform its tasks:

Method Return Type Relevance
getSavings() ArrayList Retrieves the list of all savings from the SavingList
findTotalSavings() void Calculates the total amount of savings stored in SavingList
listSavings() void Prints the savings, filtered by filterCategory, to the CLI
calculateRemainingSavings() double Calculates the remaining amount after deducting total expenses

The Listing Savings feature follows these steps when a user inputs a command to list savings:

  1. The user inputs list savings [optional: filterCategory]. This input is processed by the Parser class in BudgetBuddy, which creates a ListSavingsCommand object with savings set to the current SavingList and filterCategory to the user-specified category, if any.
  2. The Parser returns this ListSavingsCommand object to BudgetBuddy, which calls ListSavingsCommand.execute().
  3. execute() calls SavingList.listSavings(filterCategory, expenses), where the filterCategory is applied if provided.
  4. Within listSavings(), the findTotalSavings() method is called first to calculate the initial total savings amount.
  5. The listSavings() method continues by iterating through each Saving and printing those that match the filterCategory criteria.
  6. After listing, the method calculates and displays the remaining savings by calling calculateRemainingSavings(initialAmount, totalExpenses), accounting for any expenses deducted.
  7. If the filterCategory is not provided, all savings are printed, and the total initial amount and remaining savings after expenses are displayed.

Sequence Diagram

The UML Sequence diagram for the Listing Savings feature would illustrate the interactions between the User, BudgetBuddy, Parser, ListSavingsCommand, and SavingList classes, showing the method calls and returns between these objects to complete the operation. Sequence diagram for List Expense Feature

4.10 Listing Feature (List Expenses)

The Listing Expenses Feature provides users with the ability to view their expenses, which can be filtered by category. The ListExpenseCommand class, generated by the ListCommandCreator, is responsible for this feature. The class utilizes the ExpenseList object to access and manipulate expense records, optionally applying a filter based on the category. The significance of the ListExpenseCommand class’s attributes is outlined below:

Class Attribute Variable Type Relevance
expenses ExpenseList Holds the list of expenses to be filtered and listed
filterCategory String The category to filter the expenses by (null if no filtering is needed)

Upon invoking the execute() method by BudgetBuddy through command.execute(), the ListExpenseCommand object calls upon several methods from the ExpenseList class to carry out its responsibilities:

Method Return Type Relevance
listExpenses() void Prints the expenses, filtered by filterCategory, to the command line
calculateTotalExpenses() double Calculates the total expenses from the list of expenses

Here’s an overview of the process flow when a user employs the Listing Expenses feature:

  1. The user types list expenses [optional: filterCategory]. This command is parsed by the Parser class within BudgetBuddy, which then creates a ListExpenseCommand with expenses set to the current ExpenseList and filterCategory set to any specified by the user.
  2. The Parser returns the ListExpenseCommand object to BudgetBuddy, which calls ListExpenseCommand.execute().
  3. The execute() method invokes ExpenseList.listExpenses(filterCategory). If a filterCategory is provided, it will filter the expenses accordingly.
  4. The listExpenses() method in ExpenseList iterates over the list of expenses and prints each one that matches the filter category criteria or all expenses if no filter is provided.
  5. The method concludes by displaying the total expenses calculated using calculateTotalExpenses().

Sequence Diagram

The sequence diagram for the Listing Expenses feature would illustrate the above steps, showing the interactions between the User, BudgetBuddy, Parser, ListExpensesCommand, and ExpenseList classes. Sequence diagram for List Expense Feature

4.11 Check Split Bill feature

The Check Split Bills Feature allows users to view a list of all bills that have been marked as split among multiple parties. This is particularly useful for tracking shared expenses in scenarios like shared accommodations, group trips, or joint projects.

Class Attributes for CheckSplitExpensesCommand:

Class Attribute Variable Type Relevance
splitExpenseList splitExpenseList Object containing the list of split bills to display

When BudgetBuddy executes the ListSplitExpenseCommand via command.execute(), the ListSplitExpenseCommand uses the following method from the SplitExpenseList class to retrieve and display all split expenses:

Method Return Type Relevance
listSplitExpense ArrayList Retrieves and displays a detailed list of all recoreded split expenses

Process Overview:

  1. The user issues a command to check split expenses e.g. check split bills. 1 BudgetBuddy processes this input with the help of a Parser, which then initialises the ListSplitExpenseCommandCreator.
  2. The Parser constructs a ListSplitExpenseCommand with the split expenses list as a parameter.
  3. BudgetBuddy then executes the ListSplitExpenseCommand.
  4. The execute() method within the ListExpenseCommand calls the listSplitExpenses() method on the SplitExpenseList.
  5. The listSplitExpenses() method retrieves all split expenses and formats them for display.
  6. Each split expense is printed out, showing details including the description of the split expense, the number of people in the bill and the amount payable by each person.

Sequence Diagram: The sequence diagram for the Check Split Expenses feature would illustrate the interactions between the User, BudgetBuddy, Parser, CheckSplitExpensesCommand, and SplitExpenseList classes, showing how the method calls and returns between these objects complete the operation to display all split expenses. Sequence Diagram for Parser for addSplitExpense Feature

4.12 Settle Bill feature

The Settle Bill Feature allows users to mark shared bills as settled, which is crucial for tracking repayments in scenarios such as shared accommodations or group outings. Class Attributes for SettleBillCommand:

Class Attribute Variable Type Relevance
splitExpenseList SplitExpenseList Object containing the list of shared bills to be settled

When BudgetBuddy executes the SettleSplitExpenseCommand via command.execute(), the SettleSplitExpensesCommand uses the following method from the SplitExpenseList class to delete the bill:

Method Return Tyoe Relevance
settleSplitExpense(index) void Marks the split expense at the given index as settled

Process Overview:

  1. The user issues a command to settle a bill, e.g., settle bill 3.
  2. BudgetBuddy processes this input with the help of a Parser, which initialises the SettleSplitExpenseCommandCreator.
  3. The Parser constructs a SettleSplitExpenseCommand with the split expense list and index as parameters.
  4. BudgetBuddy then executes the SettleSplitExpenseCommand.
  5. The execute() method within SettleSplitExpenseommand calls the settleSplitExpense(index) method on the SplitExpenseList.
  6. The settleSplitExpense(index) method deletes the shared bill at the specified index.
  7. A confirmation message is displayed, informing the user that the bill has been settled.

Sequence Diagram: The sequence diagram for the Settle Bill feature would illustrate the interactions between the User, BudgetBuddy, Parser, SettleSplitExpenseCommand, and SplitExpenseList classes, showing how the method calls and returns between these objects complete the operation to mark a shared bill as settled. Sequence Diagram for Parser for addSplitExpense Feature

4.13 Find Feature

The Find Feature allows users to search for expenses based on a specific criteria such as description, minimum amount and maximum amount. This feature is orchestrated by the FindExpensesCommand class, which is created by the FindExpensesCommandCreator , which is in turn created by the Parser. Within the FindExpensesCommand object, the FindExpensesCommandCreator would have initialized it with 4 variables, an ExpenseList object, along with a description, minAmount , maxAmount. The relevance of these Class Attributes in FindExpensesCommand is as follows :

Variable Name Variable Type Relevance
expenses ExpenseList ExpenseList Object containing the list of expenses which will be filtered
description String The description to match against expenses in expenses
minAmount Double The minimum amount matched expenses should be
maxAmount Double The maximum amount matched expenses should be

Upon the call of the execute() method in BudgetBuddy using command.execute(), the FindExpensesCommand Object, utilizes the following methods from the ExpenseList class in order to both obtain a new ExpenseList object containing the filtered expenses, along with printing them.

Method Return Type Relevance
filterExpenses() ArrayList Returns an ArrayList containing all filtered expenses
listExpenses() void Prints the filtered expenses obtained from filterExpenses()

Important Note : As the process of how the CommandCreator is created upon the receipt of a user input has already been discussed in 3.4 CommandClass, the following Sequence Diagrams would omit the initial methods prior to the FindCommandCreator being created.

The following UML Sequence diagram below shows how FindExpensesCommandCreator works to obtain the relevant inputs for the FindExpensesCommand, NOTING that the Parser has already determined the input to be a find expenses command, and has also created the FindExpensesCommandCreator.

Sequence Diagram for FindFeatureCommandCreator

Given that multiple methods are called in FindExpensesCommandCreator. The following is a step-by-step explanation for the processes that occur before the FindExpensesCommand is created :

  1. BudgetBuddy calls Parser#parseCommand(input) with input being the entire user input. E.g find expenses d/bruno morethan/ lessthan/
  2. Within the Parser, it will have determined that the input is a Find Command from the isFindCommand(input).
  3. The Parser then creates a FindExpensesCommandCreator object, initializing it with the overall Expense List and the provided user input
  4. The Parser then calls FindExpensesCommandCreator#createCommand().
  5. FindExpensesCommandCreator#createCommand() then calls FindExpensesCommandCreator#handleFindExpensesCommand()
  6. Within handleFindExpensesCommand(input), the first check would be the check for the existence of any combination of d/ , morethan/ and lessthan/ using the method checkForInvalidParameters(). If none of these combinations were found, it immediately returns null
  7. This is then followed by a second check checkForOutOfOrderParameters(), which checks whether d/, morethan/ and lessthan/ is in the right order.
  8. This is then followed by a third check checkForDuplicateParameters(), which checks for duplicates of parameters in the user input. It duplicates are found, similarly, it immediately returns null.
  9. If the checks in 6. 7. and 8. is passed, or in this case No Exceptions are thrown. Three variables would be initialized.

    • Variable Name Variable Type
      description String
      minAmount Double
      maxAmount Double
  10. Depending on which parameters were present, the corresponding input would be extracted from the full user input and placed into each variable using the FindExpensesCommandCreator#parse*(), where * represents the variable name we wish to obtain.
  11. Note that any parameters left empty, would be treated as null.
  12. Should the values of minAmount and maxAmount not be empty, a check is done to ensure minAmount is less than or equals to maxAmount. If this check does not pass, the function immediately returns null
  13. Finally, FindExpensesCommandCreator#handleFindExpensesCommand() creates and returns a FindExpensesCommand containing the extracted description, minAmount and maxAmount
  14. FindExpensesCommandCreator#createCommand(), which is returned to, Parser#parseCommand() , which is then returned to BudgetBuddy

The following UML Sequence diagram below shows how the Find Feature command works when a user provides a valid find expenses command upon the call of its execute() method:

Sequence diagram for Find Feature

Important Note : Although d/ , morethan/ and lessthan/ are optional parameters, the optional component would mean user has left that option empty if not in use, e.t.c find expenses d/ morethan/ lessthan/200. Hence, unused parameters are treated as null variables instead.

Important Note 2 : Although the UI class is also initialized, the details of its use is omitted as its functionality in the Find Feature is trivial. In this case, the UI class is only used to print dividers.

The following is an example of the processes that occur when the user uses the find expenses feature:

  1. The user types find expenses d/bruno morethan/30 lessthan/200. This input is passed through the Parser class from BudgetBuddy, which constructs a FindExpenseCommandCreator Object. The FindExpenseCommandCreator then creates a FindExpenseCommand object with its variables initialized to expenses : current overall ExpenseList, description : bruno, minAmount : 30, maxAmount : 200, by calling FindExpenseCommandCreator#createCommand().
  2. Parser returns this created FindExpenseCommand Object to BudgetBuddy and BudgetBuddy calls FindExpenseCommand#execute()
  3. execute() is called, which initializes a variable filteredExpenses of type ArrayList<Expense>.
  4. execute()then calls ExpenseList#filterexpenses(), which returns the filtered expenses based on the description, minAmount and maxAmount, into the filteredExpenses variable.
  5. If filteredExpenses is empty, “No Matching Expenses Found” is printed and execute ends here.
  6. If filteredExpenses is not empty, execute() then initializes a new variable filteredExpenseList of type ExpenseList with filteredExpenses initialized as the expenses Class attribute.
  7. Finally execute() calls filteredExpenseList#listexpenses() to print filtered expenses into the CLI.

4.14 Recurring Expenses Feature

The Recurring Expenses feature allows users to create list(s) of expenses, where each list can be added to the overall expenses in a single command. This feature includes the creation of a list of expenses, the viewing of all/each list of expenses and the removal of each list of expenses. All functions are orchestrated by the RecurringExpenseCommand class, which would have been created by the RecurringExpenseCommandCreator, which is in turn created by the Parser class. When RecurringExpenseCommand#execute() is called by BudgetBuddy, it utilizes methods present in ExpenseList, RecurringExpenseList and RecurringExpenseLists to facilitate the relevant features.

Within the RecurringExpenseCommand, the following variables would be initialized :

Variable Variable Type Relevance
overallExpenses ExpenseList Refer to the overall Expense List storing all of User’s Expenses
initialListName String Used as the name of the new list that will be created
commandType String Type of RecurringExpenseCommand. E.g. newlist, viewlists, …
listNumber int Refers to the List Number of a recurring expense list shown during viewlists
category String Category of the Expense to be added when using newexpense
amount Double Amount of Expense to be added when using newexpense
description String Description of Expense to be added when using newexpense

When viewing the code, you would notice that there are 5 different constructors in RecurringExpensesCommand. These constructors correspond to the different commandTypes present. Each constructor would initialize only the required parameters for the specified commandTypes.

A switch statement in RecurringExpensesCommand is used, where it runs the corresponding function according to the commandType. The following is the commandType, class-level methods used and methods utilized from other classes when RecurringExpensesCommand#execute() is called

commandType Calls Method Uses Methods From  
newlist addNewList() RecurringExpenseLists#addNewRecurringList()  
viewlists printList() RecurringExpenseLists#printAllRecurringLists()  
removelist removeList() RecurringExpenseLists#removeList()  
newexpense addExpenseToList() RecurringExpenseLists#getExpenseListAtListNumber(), ExpenseList#addExpense()  
addrec addRecurringExpensesToExpenses() RecurringExpenseLists#getExpenseListAtListNumber(), ExpenseList#getExpenses(), AddExpenseCommand#execute()  
viewexpenses printExpensesAtIndex RecurringExpenseLists#getExpenseListAtListNumber() , ExpenseList#listExpenses()  

From the table above, most commandTypes have a fairly straight forward process of calling a single method from the relevant classes, and follows a similar process to many of the previous features too. Hence, the explanation of these trivial methods would be left out to avoid repetition. For details regarding these methods, you may also view the JavaDoc comments found in the code. However, the addrec commandType would be the most complicated to follow, given that it utilizes 3 methods from three different classes. The following is a UML sequence diagram to illustrate the implementation of the addRecurringExpensesToExpenses() method in RecurringExpenseCommand, upon the call of the execute() from BudgetBuddy

Sequence Diagram for addRecurringExpensesToExpenses()

The following is an example of the processes that occur when the user uses the rec addrec command :

  1. The user types rec addrec 1. This input is passed through the Parser class from BudgetBuddy, which constructs a RecurringExpenseCommandCreator
  2. RecurringExpenseCommandCreator identifies that the command type is addrec, obtains all the relevant parameters, and uses the constructor RecurringExpenseCommand(1, recurringExpenseLists, overallExpenses, addrec). Note that recurringExpenseLists here is the overall list containing all lists of recurring expenses and overallExpenses is the user’s overall expenses.
  3. The created RecurringExpenseCommand is returned to the Parser, which is then returned to BudgetBuddy.
  4. BudgetBuddy calls RecurringExpenseCommand#execute()
  5. In execute(), RecurringExpenseCommand identifies it needs to perform a addrec operation from its commandType and calls its own addRecurringExpensesToExpenses()
  6. The first check is passed as the listNumber is a valid number. If the listNumber is invalid, an error message is printed, and the method would have ended here after printing an error message.
  7. The recurringExpenseList we wish to add into the overallExpenses is obtained utilizing RecurringExpensesList#getExpenseListAtListNumber(listNumber) where listNumber is 1.
  8. Next the ArrayList<Expense> expenses is extracted by utilizing ExpenseList#getExpenses() from our extracted recurringExpenseList
  9. Lastly, a for loop is utilized, extracting the category, amount and description of all the expenses present in expenses and adding them one by one into the overallExpenses. This is done so by creating a new AddExpenseCommand with the relevant parameters and executing it. FOr more details regarding this AddExpenseCommand, do refer to the Implementation section for AddExpenseCommand.
  10. Finally, a success message is printed to the User.

4.15 Currency Converter Feature

The Currency Converter Feature allows users to convert the currency of expenses and savings. This feature is facilitated by the ChangeCurrencyCommand class, initialized by the Parser class with CurrencyConverter, ExpenseList, and SavingList objects, alongside the newCurrency to convert to. The importance of these class attributes is as follows:

Class Attribute Variable Type Relevance
currencyConverter CurrencyConverter The object responsible for currency conversion calculations
expenseList ExpenseList Contains the expenses whose currency will be converted
savingList SavingList Contains the savings whose currency will be converted
newCurrency Currency The new currency to which the amounts will be converted
exchangeRates Map<Currency, Double> Stores exchange rates with currencies as keys

When BudgetBuddy calls command.execute(), ChangeCurrencyCommand employs the following methods from CurrencyConverter to convert the currency of all financial records:

Method Return Type Relevance
convertExpenseCurrency() void Converts the currency of each Expense object to newCurrency
convertSavingCurrency() void Converts the currency of each Saving object to newCurrency
convertBudgetCurrency() void Converts the currency of each Budget object to newCurrency
convertRecurringExpensesCurrency() void Converts the currency of each Expense object in each ExpenseList object of the RecurringExpenseLists object to newCurrency
convertAmount() double Converts an amount from one currency to another using the exchange rates

The Currency Converter feature also includes a mechanism for managing a default currency across the application, facilitated by the DefaultCurrency class. This enhancement allows for seamless conversion of financial records to a user-specified default currency.

The DefaultCurrency class is designed to maintain and update the application-wide default currency setting. It provides static methods to get and set the default currency:

Method Return Type Relevance
getDefaultCurrency Currency Retrieves the current default currency for the application
setDefaultCurrency void Updates the default currency to a new value

Here’s the step-by-step process when the user uses the Currency Converter feature:

  1. The user inputs change currency [newCurrencyCode]. Parser processes this input and constructs a ChangeCurrencyCommand object with the necessary attributes.
  2. The ChangeCurrencyCommand object is returned to BudgetBuddy, which calls ChangeCurrencyCommand.execute().
  3. execute() invokes CurrencyConverter.convertExpenseCurrency(newCurrency, expenseList) and CurrencyConverter.convertSavingCurrency(newCurrency, savingList).
  4. Within the convertExpenseCurrency and convertSavingCurrency call, the amounts of Expense, Saving or Budget objects are converted to the newCurrency using the convertAmount method.
  5. The DefaultCurrency.setDefaultCurrency(newCurrency) method is called to update the application’s default currency setting to newCurrency.
  6. The setAmount and setCurrency methods of ExpenseList and SavingList are used to update the amounts and currency codes.
  7. After successful conversion of savings, expenses and budgets, the default currency of the application is updated, reflecting the new choice across BudgetBuddy.

Sequence Diagram

The sequence diagram would be segmented into the different features that utilises the CurrencyConverter class.

Main Sequence Diagram before Execution: Sequence diagram for CurrencyConverter Feature

Upon execution, the following respective conversion functions will run:

Sequence Diagram for convertExpenseCurrency(): Sequence diagram for convertExpenseCurrency method

Sequence Diagram for convertSavingCurrency(): Sequence diagram for convertSavingCurrency

Sequence Diagram for convertRecurringExpensesCurrency():

Sequence diagram for convertRecurringExpensesCurrency

Sequence Diagram for convertSplittedExpenseCurrency(): Sequence diagram for convertSplittedExpenseCurrency

Sequence Diagram for convertBudgetCurrency(): Sequence diagram for budgetCurrencyConverter

4.16 Setting Budget Feature

The Budget Management feature allows users to set financial limits for the various categories and monitor their spending. This feature’s objective is to give users the ability to stay within their financial goals and avoid overspending.

This feature is orchestrated by ListBudgetCommand and SetBudgetCommand, which are initialised by the Parser class. Below is a description of the key class attributes and methods involved in the budget setting and listing process:

Class Attributes for SetBudgetCommand:
Class Attribute Variable Type Relevance
expenseList ExpenseList Object containing the list of expenses to check against set budgets
category String The category for which the budget is being set
budget double The budget amount to be set for the category

The UML Sequence diagram below illustrates the execution flow of the Set Budget Feature when a user inputs a valid command to set a budget:


The sequence of operations for an example input, set budget c/Transport b/500, is as follows:

  1. BudgetBuddy receives the user input and utilizes the Parser to decipher it.
  2. The Parser identifies the key components of the input (category and budget) and constructs a SetBudgetCommand object with the identified category (Transport) and budget (500).
  3. The Parser then hands over the SetBudgetCommand object to BudgetBuddy.
  4. BudgetBuddy invokes the execute() method on the SetBudgetCommand object.
  5. The SetBudgetCommand object calls the setBudget() method on the ExpenseList, passing in the category and budget amount.
  6. The ExpenseList updates or creates a budget allocation for the specified category with the provided amount.
  7. A confirmation message is displayed in the console indicating the budget has been successfully set or updated.
Class Attributes for ListBudgetCommand:
Class Attribute Variable Type Relevance
expenseList ExpenseList Object containing the list of expenses to check against set budgets

The UML Sequence diagram below illustrates the execution flow of the Set Budget Feature when a user inputs a valid command to list budgets:


Upon the call of the execute() method in BudgetBuddy using command.execute(), SetBudgetCommand will update the budget in ExpenseList using setBudget. Similarly, ListBudgetCommand will fetch and display all categories with their budgets using getBudgets, and highlight those that are above the set budget.

Key Methods used from ExpenseList
Method Return Type Relevance
setBudget(category, budget) void Sets or updates the budget for a given category in the ExpenseList
getBudgets() List Retrieves the list of all budgets set

The ListBudgetCommand’s updated execution function now features an improved display that not only shows the budget, spent amount, and remaining balance but also clearly indicates when the budget has been exceeded. If the expenses surpass the budget, instead of showing a negative remaining balance, it displays “Exceeded”, providing a straightforward and immediate visual cue that the budget limits have been surpassed.

The “Categories above budget” section offers a concise table summarizing which categories have gone over the budget and by what amount, making it easy for users to identify areas of concern.

4.17 Get Expense Insights Feature

The Get Expense Insights feature allows users to analyze their spending patterns and understand where their money goes. This feature is managed by the GetExpenseInsightsCommand class, which is initialized by the Parser class. The GetExpenseInsightsCommand holds an ExpenseList object which contains all expenses added by the user. The relevance of this Class Attribute in GetExpenseInsightsCommand is as follows:

Class Attribute Variable Type Relevance
expenseList ExpenseList ExpenseList object containing the list of expenses to be analyzed

Upon invocation of the execute() method in BudgetBuddy, the GetExpenseInsightsCommand leverages methods from the ExpenseList class to calculate and display spending insights.

Method Return Type Relevance
getExpenseInsights void Analyzes expenses and prints insights on spending distribution, highest and lowest spending

The following UML Sequence diagram illustrates the execution process of the Get Expenses Insights Command when a user enters a valid command:


Here’s a step-by-step explanation of the processes that occur when a user invokes the Get Expense Insights feature:

  1. The BudgetBuddy application receives the command get expenses insights and passes it to the Parser.
  2. The Parser interprets the input and creates a new GetExpenseInsightsCommand object with the ExpenseList.
  3. The BudgetBuddy application then calls execute() on the GetExpenseInsightsCommand object.
  4. The GetExpenseInsightsCommand object calls the getExpenseInsights method on the ExpenseList.
  5. The ExpenseList analyzes the expenses, calculating total spendings, average amount, and categorizing the expenses.
  6. Insights such as the categories with the highest and lowest spending are then printed to the user.

4.18 Get Savings Insights Feature

The Get Savings Insights feature enables users to analyze their savings distribution across various categories and understand their saving habits. This feature is facilitated by the GetSavingsInsightsCommand class, which is instantiated by the Parser class. In this class, a SavingList object is maintained, which contains all the savings added by the user. The significance of the class attribute in GetSavingsInsightsCommand is as detailed below:

Class Attribute Variable Type Relevance
savingList SavingList SavingList object containing the list of savings to be scrutinized.

When the execute() method in BudgetBuddy is invoked via command.execute(), the GetSavingsInsightsCommand leverages methods from the SavingList class to calculate and exhibit insights about savings.

Method Return Type Relevance
getSavingsInsights() void Analyzes savings and displays insights on savings distribution, highest and lowest savings, etc.

The following UML Sequence diagram illustrates the execution process of the Get Savings Insights Command when a user enters a valid command:


The sequential flow of execution when a user commands to get savings insights is as follows:

  1. The user inputs the command ‘get savings insights’ and BudgetBuddy captures it.
  2. BudgetBuddy employs Parser to decode the input.
  3. Parser constructs a new GetSavingsInsightsCommand object with the SavingList.
  4. Parser sends this GetSavingsInsightsCommand object back to BudgetBuddy.
  5. BudgetBuddy calls the execute() method on the GetSavingsInsightsCommand object.
  6. GetSavingsInsightsCommand invokes the getSavingsInsights() method from the SavingList.
  7. SavingList computes and prints the insights, such as the categories with the highest and lowest savings and the overall distribution.
  8. The insights are shown to the user.

5. Documentation

The following section describes how documentation for the project was written. Documentation Format follows GitHub-Flavoured Markdown.

5.1 Documentation Style

5.2 Diagrams

5.3 PDF Conversion

6. Testing

The following section describes the testing methodologies followed in this project to ensure the project is of the highest standard and as bug-free as possible.

6.1 Running Tests

JUnit tests have been added to the project, which can be found under src/test. These JUnit tests aid in testing the respective commands and features against both valid and invalid inputs. To run these tests, on IntelliJ IDE, simply right-click the test folder followed by More Run/Debug -> Run Tests with Coverage. This would run all the pre-defined tests, and also display the coverage for each file of the main application.

6.2 Logger

A Global Logger is utilized in certain methods and features which are more prone to errors, etc., methods that may potentially deal with invalid inputs. In the releases, this Logger is disabled using the command Logger.getLogger(Logger.GLOBAL_LOGGER_NAME).setLevel(Level.OFF); before run() is called in BudgetBuddy#main() . However, in the code files, the Logger is still enabled and aids in tracing the code when testing for errors.

Appendix A: Product scope

Target user profile

This product is for users who can type fast, and wishes to handle and track their current and future expenses on a singular platform.

Value proposition

BudgetBuddy is faster and more efficient way to track and calculate current and future expenses if a user is able to type fast. It also provides the ability to deal with finances on a singular platform.

Appendix B: User Stories

User Stories

Version As a … I want to … So that I can …
v1.0 user be able to view my expenses track my prior expenditures and plan future expenses accordingly
v1.0 user be able to view my savings plan my budget accordingly
v1.0 user be able to view my expenses by their relevant categories control my spending
v1.0 user be able to identify my largest savings category allocate necessary saved funds
v1.0 user add expenses track my spending
v1.0 user Categorise my expenses manage my finances more efficiently
v1.0 user Edit or delete expenses remove any incorrectly added items
v1.0 user allocate saved funds know how much I will have left after expenses
v1.0 user be able to find expenses by description know the expenses i have that is associated with the description
v1.0 user be able to find expenses more than a certain amount know what my deemed larger expenses are
v1.0 user be able to find expenses less than a certain amount know what my deemed lower expenses are
v1.0 User See what commands i can use I know how to use the application
v2.0 user Plan my budget Avoid overspending
v2.0 frequent traveler log my expenses in multiple currencies accurately track my expenses across different countries
v2.0 user add multiple expenses at once Add common expenditures i have monthly at one shot
v2.0 user have multiple lists of recurring expenses separate associated recurring expenses together
v2.0 user view what expenses i have in each of my recurring expenses list know what expenses i have put into each list
v2.0 user remove a list from my recurring expenses list remove underutilized lists or wrongly added lists
v2.0 user save my expenses make sure i do not have to retype all expenses again after closing the application
v2.0 user load my expenses i can access previously added expenses when i reopen the application
v2.0 user save my expenses in my recurring expenses make sure i do not have to retype all expenses again after closing the application
v2.0 user load my expenses in my recurring expenses i can access previously added expenses in my recurring expenses when i reopen the application
v2.0 user divide bills that are meant for splitting know how much others should pay me
v2.0 user settle bills that others have repaid me see which bills have not been settled
v2.0 user view my expenses in a graphical representation to analyse my highest and lowest expense categories
v2.0 user view my savings in a graphical representation to analyse my highest and lowest saving categories

Appendix C: Use Cases

(For all use cases below, the System is BudgetBuddy and the Actor is the user, unless specified otherwise).

Use Case: Listing Savings

  1. User requests to list savings.
  2. BudgetBuddy retrieves the stored savings and expenses.
  3. BudgetBuddy calculates the remaining savings left.
  4. BudgetBuddy displays the existing savings along with the initial savings amount and remaining savings left.


Use Case: Listing Expenses

  1. User requests to list expenses.
  2. BudgetBuddy retrieves stored expenses.
  3. BudgetBuddy calculates total overall expenses.
  4. BudgetBuddy displays existing expenses along with the overall total expenses.


Use Case: Edit Savings

  1. User requests to edit a savings entry by specifying the category of the saving.
  2. BudgetBuddy prompts the user for the category and amount.
  3. BudgetBuddy validates the provided category and updates the savings entry if the category is valid.
  4. BudgetBuddy displays a confirmation message indicating the savings entry has been updated.


Use Case: Edit Expenses

  1. User requests to edit an expense entry by specifying the index of the expense and the details to be updated.
  2. BudgetBuddy prompts the user for the category, amount, and description for the expense.
  3. BudgetBuddy checks if the expense index provided is valid.
  4. If valid, BudgetBuddy updates the expense entry with the new details.
  5. BudgetBuddy displays a confirmation message indicating the expense entry has been updated.


Use Case: Currency Converter

  1. User requests to change currency.
  2. BudgetBuddy converts existing amounts in lists to new currency.
  3. BudgetBuddy sets default currency to the new changed currency.
  4. BudgetBuddy displays currency changed.


Use Case: Delete expenses

  1. User requests to delete a specific expense by specifying the index
  2. BudgetBuddy retrieves the specified expense from the stored expenses list.
  3. BudgetBuddy deletes the specified expense.
  4. BudgetBuddy displays a confirmation message indicating the expense has been deleted.


Use Case: Reduce Savings

  1. User requests to reduce savings by specifying a category and amount.
  2. BudgetBuddy retrieves savings associated with the specified category.
  3. BudgetBuddy reduces the savings by the specified amount.
  4. BudgetBuddy displays a confirmation message indicating the savings have been reduced.


Use Case: Listing Budget

  1. User requests to list budgets.
  2. BudgetBuddy retrieves all set budgets along with their associated categories.
  3. BudgetBuddy displays each category with its corresponding budget limit.
  4. BudgetBuddy also displays the total of all budgets combined.


Use Case: Setting Budget

  1. User requests to set a budget for a specific category by specifying the category and the budget amount.
  2. BudgetBuddy checks if the category exists; if not, it adds the category.
  3. BudgetBuddy sets or updates the budget for the specified category.
  4. BudgetBuddy displays a confirmation message indicating the budget has been set or updated.


Use Case : Add a Recurring Expense List

  1. User requests to add a recurring expense list with a specific name
  2. BudgetBuddy creates a recurring expense list with the specified name
    1. use case ends.


Use Case : List all recurring expense lists

  1. User requests to list all recurring expense lists
  2. BudgetBuddy shows all lists of recurring expense list.
    1. use case ends


Use Case : Remove a recurring expense list

  1. User requests to list all recurring expense lists
  2. BudgetBuddy shows all lists of recurring expense list
  3. User Requests to delete a specific list
  4. BudgetBuddy deletes the list
    1. use case ends


Use Case : Add an expense to a Recurring Expense List

  1. User requests to list all recurring expense lists
  2. BudgetBuddy shows all lists of recurring expense list.
  3. User requests to add an expense to a specific list
  4. BudgetBuddy adds the expense to the list
    1. use case ends


Use Case : List all expenses in a recurring expense list

  1. User requests to list all recurring expense lists
  2. BudgetBuddy shows all lists of recurring expense list
  3. User requests to view all expenses in a specific list
  4. BudgetBuddy shows all expenses in the specific list
    1. use case ends


Use Case : Add all expenses in a recurring expense list to the overall expenses

  1. User requests to list all recurring expense lists
  2. BudgetBuddy shows all lists of recurring expense list
  3. User requests to add all expenses in a specific list to the overall expenses
  4. BudgetBuddy adds all expenses in the specific list to the overall expenses
    1. use case ends


Use Case: Get Expenses Insights

  1. User requests to get insights into their expenses.
  2. BudgetBuddy retrieves all expenses from the ExpenseList.
  3. BudgetBuddy calculates and displays insights, including highest and lowest expense categories, and categories with no expenses.
  4. BudgetBuddy displays a visual representation of expense distribution across different categories.


Use Case: Get Savings Insights

  1. User requests to get insights into their savings.
  2. BudgetBuddy retrieves all savings from the SavingList.
  3. BudgetBuddy calculates and displays insights, such as highest and lowest savings categories, and categories with no savings.
  4. BudgetBuddy displays a visual representation of savings distribution across different categories.


Appendix D: Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Should work on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java 11 or above installed.
  2. Should be able to hold up to 1000 entries without a noticeable sluggishness in performance for typical usage.
  3. A user with above average typing speed for regular English text should be able to accomplish most of the tasks faster using commands than using the mouse.

Appendix E: Glossary

Appendix F: Instructions for manual testing

1. Launch and Shutdown

2. Test Cases

2.1 Displaying Commands

  1. Test Case : menu
    Expected : Prints all possible menu items in the command line interface
  2. Test Case : menu 1
    Expected : Prints all commands related to Manage Expenses` in the command line interface
  3. Test Case : menu string
    Expected : An error message is printed in the command line interface
  4. Test Case : menu 999
    Expected : An error message is printed in the command line interface

2.2 Adding Expenses

2.3 Adding Savings

2.4 Add Split Expenses

2.5 Edit Savings

Prerequisites : Some savings has been added to the overall savings.

  1. Test Case : edit savings c/Salary a/2000 Expected : Edits the saving with category “Salary”. If there is no saving with this category, an error message stating invalid category will be printed.
  2. Test Case : edit savings c/Allowance a/2000 Expected : An error message mentioning invalid saving category will be printed.
  3. Test Case : edit savings c/Salary a/-2000 Expected : An error message mentioning invalid amount will be printed.

2.6 Edit Expenses

Prerequisites : Some savings has been added to the overall savings.

  1. Test Case : edit expense c/Transport i/2 a/2000 d/GRAB Expected : if there is an expense with index 2, it edits the expense at index 2. Else, an error message stating invalid index will be printed.
  2. Test Case : edit expense c/MRT i/2 a/2 d/work Expected : An error message mentioning invalid saving category will be printed.
  3. Test Case : edit savings c/Entertainment i/2 a/-2000 Expected : An error message mentioning invalid amount will be printed.

2.7 Reducing savings

  1. Test case: reduce savings c/Salary a/100 Expected: The savings under ‘Salary’ are reduced by $100, and a confirmation message is displayed. Prerequisites : No savings under the category ‘Investments’ exist.
  2. Test case: reduce savings c/Investments a/100 Expected: An error message is displayed indicating no savings found under the category ‘Investments’. Prerequisites : Savings under the category ‘Salary’ exist but are less than $500
  3. Test case: reduce savings c/Salary a/500 Expected: An error message is displayed indicating insufficient amount in ‘Salary’ to reduce by $500.

2.8 Deleting an expense

  1. Test case: delete expense i/1 Expected: The first expense in the list, if any, is deleted and a confirmation message is displayed.
  2. Test case: delete expense i/999 Expected: An error message is displayed stating that the index is out of bounds

2.9 Listing Savings

2.10 Listing Expenses

2.11 Finding an expense

Prerequisites : Some expenses has been added to the overall expense.

  1. Test Case : find expenses d/cat morethan/ lessthan/
    Expected : If there are expenses matching/containing “cat”, the found expenses are printed. Else, message stating no matching expenses found is printed in command line interface
  2. Test Case : find expenses d/cat morethan/20 lessthan/
    Expected : If there are expenses matching/containing “cat” and is more than 20, the found expenses are printed. Else, message stating no matching expenses found is printed in command line interface
  3. Test Case : find expenses d/cat morethan/string lessthan
    Expected : An error message is printed in the command line interface

2.12 Creating a new list of recurring expenses

  1. Test Case : rec newlist streaming
    Expected : A new list created called streaming
  2. Test Case : rec newlist
    Expected : An error message will be printed in the command line interface
  3. Test Case : rec newlist |
    Expected : An error message will be printed in the command line interface

2.13 Listing all lists of recurring expenses

  1. Test Case : rec viewlists, with already added lists
    Expected : All lists of recurring expenses will be printed in the command line interface
  2. Test Case : rec viewlists, with no added lists
    Expected : Message stated there being no recurring expenses is printed in the command line interface
  3. Test Case : rec viewlists extra
    Expected : viewlists should still work as intended, with no exceptions being thrown

2.14 Removing a list of recurring expenses

  1. Test Case : rec removelist 1, with a list being present at the list number 1 during rec viewlists
    Expected : List located at list number 1 will be removed, and a success message is printed in the command line interface
  2. Test Case : rec removelist string
    Expected : Error message will be printed in the command line interface, along with the proper command format
  3. Test Case : rec removelist -1
    Expected : Error message will be printed in the command line interface
  4. Test Case : rec removelist
    Expected : Error message will be printed in the command line interface

2.15 Adding an expense into a list of recurring expenses

  1. Test Case : rec newexpense to/1 c/Entertainment a/200 d/description, with a list being present at list number 1
    Expected : Expense with details Entertainment, 200, description will be added to list at list number 1
  2. Test Case : rec newexpense to/1
    Expected : Error message will be printed in the command line interface
  3. Test Case : rec newexpense to/string c/Entertainment a/200 d/description
    Expected : Error message will be printed in the command line interface

2.16 Viewing all expenses in a list of recurring expenses

  1. Test Case : rec viewexpenses 1, with a list being present at list number 1 and contains expenses inside
    Expected : Prints all expenses present in the recurring expense list 1
  2. Test Case : rec viewexpenses 1 with a list not being present
    Expected : Error message will be printed in the command line interface
  3. Test Case : rec viewexpenses 1 with a list being present at list number 1, but does not contain any expenses inside
    Expected : Prints an empty set of expenses to command line interface, with expenses at $0

2.17 Adding all expenses in a list of recurring expenses to the overall expenses

  1. Test Case : rec addrec 1, with a list being present at list number 1 and contains expense inside
    Expected : Adds all expenses present in recurring expense list 1 to the overall expenses
  2. Test Case : rec addrec 1, with a list being present a list number 1 but does not contain any expenses inside
    Expected : A message is provided in the command line interface informing the user that nothing has been added
  3. Test Case : rec addrec 1, with a list not being present at list number 1
    Expected : Error message will be printed in the command line interface

2.18 Loading recurring expenses

Prerequisite : The RecurringExpensesFile.txt should be empty prior to each Test Case

  1. Test Case : Add a line in RecurringExpensesFile.txt called !!! newlist !!! Expected : A recurring expense list named newlist will be present when doing a rec viewlists
  2. Test Case : Add an invalid line in RecurringExpensesFile.txt called !!! new!!!list !!!
    Expected : Error is printed in the CLI, RecurringExpensesFile will be reset to an empty file
  3. Test Case : Add a line in RecurringExpensesFile.txt called !!! newlist !!! and another line below it 1 | 2024-04-13 | Entertainment | 203.35 | movies
    Expected : A recurring expense list named newlist will be present at list number 1 when doing a rec viewlists and an expense with the above description is present when doing a rec viewexpenses 1

2.19 Saving recurring expenses

  1. Test Case : rec newlist streaming services followed by a bye
    Expected : The RecurringExpensesFile.txt should now contain a !!! streaming services !!!. The list will also still be present after Relaunching application.
  2. Test Case : rec newlist streaming services followed by a rec newexpense to/1 c/Entertainment a/200 d/description, followed by a bye
    Expected : The recurring list streaming services which contains an expense with the description above will still be present after relaunching the application

2.20 Changing Currency

2.21 Setting budget

  1. Test case: set budget c/Groceries b/200 Expected: A budget of $200 is set for ‘Groceries’, and a confirmation message is displayed.
  2. Test case: set budget c/Transport b/-50 Expected: An error message is displayed indicating the budget cannot be negative. Prerequisites : A budget for ‘Transport’ exists.
  3. Test case: set budget c/Transport b/300 Expected: The budget for ‘Transport’ is updated to $300, and a message confirming the update is displayed.

2.22 List Budget

Prerequisites : Budgets must be set for multiple categories.

  1. Test case: print budget Expected: All existing budgets are listed with their respective categories and amounts. Prerequisites : No Budgets are set
  2. Test case: print budget Expected: A message is displayed indicating no budgets have been set.

2.23 Get Graphical Insights for Expenses

2.24 Get Graphical Insights for Savings