
Jasra Zainab’s Project Portfolio Page

Project: Budget Buddy

BudgetBuddy is a streamlined finance-tracking application designed for efficient management of current and future expenses on a single platform. BudgetBuddy simplifies expense tracking and calculations, making financial management both quick and intuitive. With budgeting features implemented, Budget Buddy is a well-rounded financial management application that is user-friendly.

Summary of Contributions

Given below are my contributions to the project

New Feature: Added the ability to edit expenses #26 #37 #46 #58 #59

New Feature: Added the ability to edit savings #26 #37 #46 #58 #59

New Feature: Added the ability to save and load expenses and savings #65 #215

New Feature: Added the ability to get graphical insights for Expenses and Savings #111

Code Contributed

RepoSense Link

Enhancements to existing features

  1. Wrote Junit tests for Edit Expenses, Edit Savings, Get Expenses Insight and Get Savings Insights
  2. Implemented Bug fixes for “Edit Expenses”, “Edit Savings”, “Storage”, “Get Expenses Insights” and “Get Savings Insights”

Contributions to the UG

Added documentation for the features edit expense, edit savings, get expenses insight and get savings insights #48 #112

Contributions to the DG

Added diagrams and documentation for the features edit expense, edit savings, get expenses insight and get savings insights #78 #223 #226


  1. Communicated with teammates for ideation and enhancement of existing features.
  2. Added reviews to teammate’s Pull Request #217 to help them improve their program and features.
  3. Provided DG Peer Review Comments for another team. CS2113-T15-3 SplitLiang
  4. Reported bugs for another team during PE-D. CS2113-T15-1 LongAh